Multimedia and Secure Networking Group
SIZE(20){[[Course of Communication and Computer Engineering:]],}~
SIZE(20){[[Graduate School of Informatics:]],}~
SIZE(20){[[Kyoto University:]]}
SIZE(18){[[Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies:]],}~
SIZE(18){Kyoto University}
Research Bldg.#5 (Main Campus)~
Kyoto University~
Yoshida-honmachi, Sakyo-ku,~
Kyoto, 606-8501, Japan~
TEL +81-75-753-7417~
FAX +81-75-753-7440~
-Yutaka Nakano, Motonori Nakamura, Yasuo Okabe,~
Analysis for Topological Properties of the Network Feeding Usenet News,~
SAINT2007, Jan. 2007
***[[To foreign students who want to apply as research students at Network Media Lab. (Okabe lab.)>For foreign students English]] [#dba498ae]