*2020 [#b6a74c87]
**Journal Papers [#rceb601e]
- Yuki Matsuyama and Shuichi Miyazaki, ''[[Hardness of Instance Generation with Optimal Solutions for the Stable Marriage Problem:https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/ipsjjip/29/0/29_166/_article/-char/en]]'', Journal of Information Processing, Vol. 29, pp. 166-173, Feb. 2021.

**Conference Papers [#l536504a]
  1. - Koudai Hatakeyama, Daisuke Kotani and Yasuo Okabe, Zero Trust Federation: Sharing Context under User Control towards Zero Trust in Identity Federation, The 2021 International Workshop on Pervasive Information Flow (PerFlow 2021), pp. 514-519, March 2021.
  2. - Yu Takabatake, Yasuo Okabe,
  3. An Anonymous Distributed Electronic Voting System Using Zerocoin,
  4. the 35th International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN2021),
  5. pp.163-168
  6. January 2021.
  7. - Tsuyoshi Arai, Yasuo Okabe, Yoshinori Matsumoto,
  8. Precursory Analysis of Attack-Log Time Series by Machine Learning for Detecting Bots in CAPTCHA,
  9. the 35th International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN2021),
  10. pp.295-300,
  11. January 2021.
    - Toshiya Itoh, Shuichi Miyazaki, and Makoto Satake, ''[[Competitive Analysis for Two Variants of Online Metric Matching Problem:https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-030-64843-5_33]]'', Proc. [[the 14th Annual International Conference on Combinatorial Optimization and Applications (COCOA 2020):https://theory.utdallas.edu/COCOA2020/index.html]], (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12577), pp. 486-498, December 2020.
    - Dongyang Li, Daisuke Kotani, Yasuo Okabe,
    ''[[Improving Attack Detection Performance in NIDS Using GAN:https://doi.org/10.1109/COMPSAC48688.2020.0-162]]'',
    Proc. 2020 IEEE 44th Annual Computers, Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC2020 Symposia), pp. 801-809, July 2020.
    - Satsuki Nishioka, Yasuo Okabe,
    ''[[Centralized Control of Account Migration at Single Sign-On in Shibboleth:https://doi.org/10.1109/COMPSAC48688.2020.00-27]]'',
    Proc. 2020 IEEE 44th Annual Computers, Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC2020 SDIM Workshop), pp. 1572-1578, July 2020.
    - Koki Hamada, Shuichi Miyazaki and Kazuya Okamoto, ''[[Strongly Stable and Maximum Weakly Stable Noncrossing Matchings:https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-030-48966-3_23]]'', Proc. [[the 31st International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms (IWOCA 2020):https://iwoca2020.labri.fr/]], (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12126), pp. 304-315, June 2020. 
    **Talks [#vb630a2e]
    -Daisuke Kotani, Network Access Control using Workload Identity, LINE DEVELOPER DAY 2020, November 2020.
    -Yoshinari Kanaya, Daisuke Kotani, Katsuyoshi Iida, Hideaki Sone, ''[[Ethical Education on Information Security Mind for Practical Security Learning:http://hdl.handle.net/2433/255476]]'', IEICE Tech. Rep., vol. 120, no. 177, IA2020-2, pp. 6-9, Oct. 2020.
    *2019 [#e5ac6a03]
    **Journal Papers [#r0869994]
    -Yoshiyuki Mihara, Shuichi Miyazaki, Yasuo Okabe, Tetsuya Yamaguchi, Manabu Okamoto, ''[[Identifying Link Layer Home Network Topologies Using HTIP:https://doi.org/10.1587/transinf.2019EDP7161]]'',
    [[IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems, Vol. E103-D, No. 03, pp. 566-577:https://search.ieice.org/bin/summary.php?id=e103-d_3_566&category=-D&year=2020&lang=E&abst=]], Mar. 2020.
    -Takumu Shirayama, Takuto Shigemura, Yota Otachi, Shuichi Miyazaki, Ryuhei Uehara, ''On Computational Complexity of Pipe Puzzles'', [[IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol. E102-A, No. 9, pp. 1134-1141:https://search.ieice.org/bin/summary.php?id=e102-a_9_1134&category=A&year=2019&lang=E&abst=]], Sep. 2019. 
    - Huawei Huang, Song Guo, Weifa Liang, Kun Wang, Yasuo Okabe,
    ''Coflow-like Online Data Acquisition from Low-Earth-Orbit Datacenters'',
    [[IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing ( Early Access ), 20 August 2019:https://doi.org/10.1109/TMC.2019.2936202]].  
    -Shuichi Miyazaki, Kazuya Okamoto, ''Jointly Stable Matchings'', [[Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, Volume 38, Issue 2, pp. 646-665:https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10878-019-00402-4?wt_mc=Internal.Event.1.SEM.ArticleAuthorAssignedToIssue&utm_source=ArticleAuthorAssignedToIssue&utm_medium=email&utm_content=AA_en_06082018&ArticleAuthorAssignedToIssue_20190623]], August 2019. 
    **Conference Papers [#gf83f560]
    -Tsuyoshi Arai, Yasuo Okabe, Yoshinori Matsumoto, Koji Kawamura,
    ''Detection of Bots in CAPTCHA as a Cloud Service Utilizing Machine Learning'',
    [[Proc. 34th International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN 2020), pp.584-589:https://doi.org/10.1109/ICOIN48656.2020.9016522]], Jan. 2020.
    -Kaku Sawada, Daisuke Kotani, Yasuo Okabe,
    ''Network Routing Optimization Based on Machine Learning Using Graph Networks Robust against Topology Change'',
    [[Proc. 34th International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN 2020), pp.608-615:https://doi.org/10.1109/ICOIN48656.2020.9016573]], Jan. 2020.
    -Kei Wakabayashi, Daisuke Kotani, Yasuo Okabe,
    ''Traffic-aware Access Control List Reconstruction'',
    [[Proc. 34th International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN 2020), pp.615-626:https://doi.org/10.1109/ICOIN48656.2020.9016512]], Jan. 2020.
    - Koki Hamada, Shuichi Miyazaki and Hiroki Yanagisawa, ''[[Strategy-Proof Approximation Algorithms for the Stable Marriage Problem with Ties and Incomplete Lists:https://drops.dagstuhl.de/opus/volltexte/2019/11505/]]'', Proc. [[30th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2019):http://itcs.shufe.edu.cn/isaac2019/]], pp. 9:1-9:14, December 2019.
    - Yasuaki Kobayashi, Yusuke Kobayashi, Shuichi Miyazaki, Suguru Tamaki,
    ''[[An Improved Fixed-Parameter Algorithm for Max-Cut Parameterized by Crossing Number:https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-030-25005-8_27]]'',
    Proc. [[the 30th International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms (IWOCA 2019):http://iwoca2019.di.unipi.it/]], (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11638), pp. 327-338, July 2019.
    - Yo Kanemoto, Kazufumi Aoki, Makoto Iwamura, Jun Miyoshi, Daisuke Kotani, Hiroki Takakura, Yasuo Okabe,
    ''[[Detecting Successful Attacks from IDS Alerts Based on Emulation of Remote Shellcodes:2019 IEEE 43rd Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC):https://doi.org/10.1109/COMPSAC.2019.10251]]'',
    Proc. 2019 IEEE 43rd Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC), Vol.2, pp.471-476, July 2019.
    **Talks [#qc654ae5]
    - Yasuo Okabe, ''Network platform technology for assistive robots for the elderly by agile co-creation'',
    Internet of Intelligent Robotic Things for Healthy Living and Active Ageing: Where we are and Future Trends, [[The 28th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication:https://ro-man2019.org/workshops/]], Oct. 2019.
    - Kyosuke Futami, Yutaka Yanagisawa, Hiroshi Hoshino, Aiko Matsumori, Masahiko Tsukamoto, Daisuke Kotani, Yasuo Okabe,
    ''Data Distribution Infrastructure and Applications for Robotic Therapy for Blind Elderly'',
    [[UbiComp2019 (Poster):http://ubicomp.org/ubicomp2019/program_posters.html]], Sept. 2019.
    - Takuya Urimoto, Daisuke Kotani, Yasuo Okabe,
    ''Analysis of Inter-regional Relationship among Regional Tier-1 ASes in the Internet,''
    [[14th International Conference on Future Internet Technologies (CFI2019)/15th Asian Internet Engineering Conference (AINTEC2019) Joint Poster session:https://interlab.ait.ac.th/aintec2019/posters.html]], Aug. 2019.
    - Laura Fiorini, Alessandra Sorrentino, Daisuke Kotani, Hiroshi Hoshino, Estibaliz Arzoz Fernandez, Yasuo Okabe, Masahiko Tsukamoto, Yutaka Yanagisawa, Kyosuke Futami, Delphine Lefebvre, and Filippo Cavallo, Toward a Internet of Robotic Things architecture to support citizens in mobility, daily-life and socialization applications: a case study, IEEE ICRA Workshop Advances and Challenges on the Development, Testing and Assessment of Internet of Robotic Things (IoRT): Experiences from Engineering and Human Science Research, May 2019.
    - Koki Hamada, Shuichi Miyazaki and Hiroki Yanagisawa,
    ''Strategy-Proof Approximation Algorithms for the Stable Marriage Problem with Ties and Incomplete Lists'',
    [[5th International Workshop on Matching Under Preferences (MACTH-UP 2019):http://www.optimalmatching.com/MATCHUP2019/]], May 2019.
    *2018 [#ja57f272]
    **Journal Papers [#tb437d7f]
    - Jose C. Nacher, Masayuki Ishitsuka, Shuichi Miyazaki, Tatsuya Akutsu, ''Finding and analysing the minimum set of driver nodes required to control multilayer networks'', [[Scientific Reports, volume 9, Article number: 576:https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-018-37046-z]], January 2019.
    - Grazia D’Onofrio, Laura Fiorini, Hiroshi Hoshino, Aiko Matsumori, Yasuo Okabe, Masahiko Tsukamoto, Raffaele Limosani, Alessandra Vitanza, Francesca Greco, Antonio Greco, Francesco Giuliani, Filippo Cavallo, Daniele Sancarlo,
    ''Assistive robots for socialization in elderly people: results pertaining to the needs of the users'',
    [[Aging Clin Exp Res (2018):https://doi.org/10.1007/s40520-018-1073-z]] pp 1–17, Dec. 2018.
    - Grazia D�Onofrio, Laura Fiorini, Marleen de Mul, Isabelle Fabbricotti, Yasuo Okabe, Hiroshi Hoshino, Raffaele Limosani, Alessandra Vitanza, Francesca Greco, Francesco Giuliani, Denis Guiot, Eloïse Senges, Antonio Kung, Filippo Cavallo, Daniele Sancarlo, Antonio Greco,
    ''Agile Co-Creation for Robots and Aging (ACCRA) Project: new technological solutions for older people'',
    [[European Geriatric Medicine, Volume 9, Issue 6, pp 795–800:https://doi.org/10.1007/s41999-018-0106-7]],
    December 2018.
    **Conference Papers [#p29d4503]
    - Daisuke Kotani, An Architecture of a Network Controller for QoS Management in Home Networks with Lots of IoT Devices and Services, 2019 16th IEEE Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), January 2019.
    - Keitaro Yamazaki, Daisuke Kotani, Yasuo Okabe, ''Xilara: An XSS Filter Based on HTML Template Restoration'', The 4th EAI International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks (SecureComm2018), August 2018.
    - Ryoh Akiyoshi, Daisuke Kotani, Yasuo Okabe, ''[[Detecting Emerging Large-Scale Vulnerability Scanning Activities by Correlating Low-Interaction Honeypots with Darknet:https://dx.doi.org/10.1109/COMPSAC.2018.10314]]'', The 8th IEEE International Workshop on Network Technologies for Security, Administration and Protection, in Proc. IEEE 42th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC2018), Vol. 2, pp.658-663, July 2018.
    - Tsubasa Munemitsu, Daisuke Kotani, Yasuo Okabe, ''[[A Mixed Integer Programming Solution for Network Optimization Under Tunneling-Based Traffic Engineering Schemes:https://dx.doi.org/10.1109/COMPSAC.2018.10335]]'', The 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Future Internet Technologies, in Proc. IEEE 42th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC2018), Vol. 2, pp.769-776, July 2018.
    - Hiroki Nakano, Yasuo Okabe,
    ''A Design of Network for Packets with Information and Energy'',
    [[2018 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Taiwan (ICCE-TW):https://edas.info/p24335#S1569554127]],
    May 2018.
    **Talks [#i7830971]
    - Yasuo Okabe,
    ''Information Processing Society of Japan and its international collaborative acctivities'',
    [[Korea Software Congress 2018 (KSC2018):http://www.kiise.or.kr/conference/KSC/2018/]], Dec. 2018 (Invited Talk).
    - Antonio Kung, Yasuo Okabe,
    ''ACCRA: Agile Co-Creation of Robots for Ageing'',
    7th EU-Japan Symposium on ICT Research and Innovation,
    Dec. 2018.
    *2017 [#i1988ffe]
    **Journal Papers [#l5175c0a]
    -Koji M. Kobayashi, Shuichi Miyazaki, and Yasuo Okabe,
    ''Competitive Buffer Management for Multi-queue Switches in QoS Networks Using Packet Buffering Algorithms'',
    [[Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 675, pp. 27-42:http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S030439751730138X]], 
    May, 2017.
    **Conference Papers [#vcaea954]
    - Shuichi Miyazaki and Kazuya Okamoto, ''[[Jointly Stable Matchings:http://drops.dagstuhl.de/opus/volltexte/2017/8224/]]'', Proc. 28th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation ([[ISAAC 2017:https://saki.siit.tu.ac.th/isaac2017/]]), pp. 56:1-56:12, December 2017.
    - Kazuma Matsumoto, and Yasuo Okabe, ''A Collusion-resilient Hybrid P2P Framework for Massively Multiplayer Online Games'', The 5th IEEE International COMPSAC Workshop on Consumer Devices and Systems (CDS), in Proc. IEEE 41th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC2017), Vol. 2, pp.342-347, July 2017.
    - Tomohiro Ito, Daisuke Kotani, and Yasuo Okabe, ''A Threshold-based Authentication System Which Provides Attributes Using Secret Sharing'', The 3rd IEEE International COMPSAC Workshop on Secure Identity Management in the Cloud Environment (SIMICE), in Proc. IEEE 41th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC2017), Vol. 2, pp.730-735, July 2017.
    *2016 [#yd8dd501]
    **Journal Papers [#o0c36a15]
    -Jun Kawahara, Koji M. Kobayashi, and Shuichi Miyazaki,
    ''Better Bounds for Online k-frame Throughput Maximization in Network Switches'',
    [[Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 657, pp. 173-190:http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0304397516305321]], January, 2017.
    **Conference Papers [#pb27b608]
    -Yoshiharu Tsuzaki, Yasuo Okabe,
    ''Reactive Configuration Updating for Intent-Based Networking'',
    [[The 31st International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN2017):http://www.icoin.org]],
    Jan. 2017.
    -Yoshiyuki Mihara, Shuichi Miyazaki, Yasuo Okabe, Tetsuya Yamaguchi, Okamoto Manabu,
    ''Identifying Link Layer Home Network Topologies Using HTIP'',
    [[14th Annual IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference:http://ccnc2017.ieee-ccnc.org/content/technical-sessions]],
    pp. 892-899, Jan. 2017.
    -Sushmita Gupta, Kazuo Iwama, and Shuichi Miyazaki, ''[[Total Stability in Stable Matching Games:http://drops.dagstuhl.de/opus/volltexte/2016/6045/]]'', Proc. [[the 15th Scandinavian Symposium and Workshops on Algorithm Theory, (SWAT 2016):http://www.ru.is/~mmh/swat16/]], pp. 23:1-23:12, June 2016. (Reykjavik, Iceland)
    -Sato Hiroyuki, Okabe Yasuo, Nakamura Motonori,
    ''User Identification of Pseudonyms without Identity Information Exposure in Access Federations'',
    Proc. IEEE 40th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC2016), Vol. 1, pp.487-492, June 2016.
    -Yasuo Okabe, Takaaki Komura, Hiroyuki Sato, Kazutsuna Yamaji, Motonori Nakamura,
    ''An Authentication Federation Proxy Which Conceals Attributes and Authorization Policies Each Other'',
    Second IEEE International Workshop on Middleware for Cyber Security, Cloud Computing and Internetworking (MidCCI2016),
    in Proc. IEEE 40th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC2016), Vol. 2, pp.202-207, June 2016.
    -Teruhisa Tajima, Yasuo Okabe,
    ''Optimizing Packet Transmission Scheduling for Enhanced Web QoE in Wireless LAN'',
    The 4th IEEE International Workshop on Consumer Devices and Systems (CDS),
    in Proc. IEEE 40th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC2016), Vol. 2, pp.312-318, June 2016.
    **Talks [#ve7e53c0]
    -Antonio Kung, Yasuo Okabe,
    ''ACCRA: Agile CoCreation of Robots for Ageing'',
    [[Global Innovation Forum on Active and Healthy Ageing:http://ec.europa.eu/research/conferences/2016/aha-summit/index.cfm?pg=global]],
    Dec. 2016.
    -Yu Takabatake, Daisuke Kotani, and Yasuo Okabe, ''[[An anonymous distributed electronic voting system using Zerocoin:http://hdl.handle.net/2433/217329]]'', [[IEICE Tech. Rep., vol.116, no. 282, IA2016-54, pp. 127-131:http://www.ieice.org/ken/paper/20161104cbN1/eng/]], Nov. 2016.
    **Books [#ncc43425]
    -Iwama, K. and Miyazaki, S., ''[[Stable Marriage with Ties and Incomplete Lists:http://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007/978-1-4939-2864-4_805]]'', [[Encyclopedia of Algorithms (2nd Edition):http://link.springer.com/referencework/10.1007/978-1-4939-2864-4]], Springer, pp. 2071-2075, May 2016. 
    *2015 [#m3c7c267]
    **Journal Papers [#sb2b01c4]
    -Koki Hamada, Kazuo Iwama, and Shuichi Miyazaki, ''The Hospitals/Residents Problem with Lower Quotas'', [[Algorithmica, Volume 74, Issue 1, pp. 440-465:http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00453-014-9951-z]], January 2016. 
    -Daisuke Kotani, Kazuya Suzuki, Hideyuki Shimonishi, ''A Multicast Tree Management Method Supporting Fast Failure Recovery and Dynamic Group Membership Changes in OpenFlow Networks'', [[Journal of Information Processing, Vol.24, No.2, pp.395-406:https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/ipsjjip/24/2/24_395/_article]], March 2016.
    -Daisuke Kotani, Yasuo Okabe, ''A Packet-In Message Filtering Mechanism for Protection of Control Plane in OpenFlow Switches'', [[IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol.E99-D, No.3, pp.695-707:http://search.ieice.org/bin/summary.php?id=e99-d_3_695&category=D&year=2016&lang=E&abst=]], Mar. 2016. 
    **Conference Papers [#e391b5f0]
    -Daisuke Kotani, Yasuo Okabe, ''Fast Failure Detection of OpenFlow Channels'', Proc. The 11th Asian Internet Engineering Conference (AINTEC 2015), November 18-20, 2015.
    -Chien-Chung Huang, Kazuo Iwama, Shuichi Miyazaki, Hiroki Yanagisawa,
    ''[[A Tight Approximation Bound for the Stable Marriage Problem with Restricted Ties:http://drops.dagstuhl.de/opus/frontdoor.php?source_opus=5312]]'', Proc. [[18th International Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems (APPROX 2015):http://cui.unige.ch/tcs/random-approx/2015/index.php]], pp. 361-380, August 24-26, 2015. ([[KURENAI:http://repository.kulib.kyoto-u.ac.jp/dspace/handle/2433/200620]])
    -Naoki Tsujio, Yasuo Okabe,
    ''[[A Traceable and Psudonymous P2P Information Distribution System:http://hdl.handle.net/2433/198788]]'',
    The 1st IEEE International Workshop on Middleware for Cyber Security, Cloud 
    Computing and Internetworking (MidCCI2015),
    in Proc. 39th Annual International Computers, Software & Applications Conference (COMPSAC2015),
    Taichung, Taiwan, pp.67-72, July 1-5, 2015.
    -Tomotaka Maeda, Hiroki Nakano, Naoyuki Morimoto, Kazumi Sakai, Yasuo Okabe,
    ''[[Design and Implementation of an On-demand Home Power Management System based on a Hierarchial Protocol:http://hdl.handle.net/2433/198744]]'',
    The 3rd IEEE International Workshop on Consumer Devices and Systems (CDS2015),
    in Proc. 39th Annual International Computers, Software & Applications Conference (COMPSAC2015),
    Taichung, Taiwan, pp.188-193, July 1-5, 2015.
    -Shuichi Miyazaki, Naoyuki Morimoto, Yasuo Okabe,
    ''Approximability of Two Variants of Multiple Knapsack Problems'',
    [[Proc. 9th International Conference on Algorithms and Complexity (CIAC 2015):http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-319-18173-8_27]] (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9079), pp. 365-376, May 20-22, 2015.
    **Talks [#gcc6bddc]
    -Yasuo Okabe, Takaaki Komura, Motonori Nakamura,
    ''EduroamShib: a privacy-aware eduroam account issuing system based on the GakuNin Shibboleth federation'',
    [[IAM (Identity and Access Management ) WG, 40th Asia Pacific Advanced Network Meeting:https://www-lk.apan.net/meetings/KualaLumpur2015/Sessions/session.php?id=8]],
    Aug. 2015.
    **Books [#r5ab4dfc]
    -Shuichi Miyazaki, ''Stable Marriage Problem'', Chapter 17 of ''[[Handbook of Graph Theory, Combinatorial Optimization, and Algorithms:https://www.crcpress.com/Handbook-of-Graph-Theory-Combinatorial-Optimization-and-Algorithms/Thulasiraman-Arumugam-Brandstdt-Nishizeki/9781584885955#googlePreviewContainer]]'', Editted by Krishnaiyan "KT" Thulasiraman, Subramanian Arumugam, Andreas Brandstadt, and Takao Nishizeki, CRC Press, 2015.
    *2014 [#medbc6ce]
    **Journal Papers [#oc78afd2]
    -Minseon Lee, Shuichi Miyazaki, and Kazuo Iwama, ''Finding Witnesses for Stability in the Hospitals/Residents Problem'', [[Journal of Information Processing, Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 202-209:https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/ipsjjip/23/2/23_202/_article]], February 2015.
    -Shuichi Miyazaki,
    ''On the advice complexity of online bipartite matching and online stable marriage'',
    [[Information Processing Letters, Vol.114, Issue 12, pp. 714-717:http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0020019014001276]], December 2014.
    -Hiroyuki Sato, Yasuo Okabe, Takeshi Nishimura, Kazutsuna Yamaji, Motonori Nakamura,
    ''Privacy Enhancing Proxies in a Federation: Agent Approach and Cascade Approach'',
    [[Journal of Information Processing, Vol. 22, No. 3 pp. 464-471:http://dx.doi.org/10.2197/ipsjjip.22.464]], July 2014.
    **Conference Papers [#p036717a]
    -Yoshiharu Tsuzaki, Yasuo Okabe, Ray Atarashi, Tatsuya Hayashi, ''Development of an Automatic Managing System of Wide-area Distributed Networks with Defined Nework Specification'', 1st International Workshop on Management of SDN and NFV Systems (ManSDN/NFV 2014), November 2014.
    -Daisuke Kotani, Yasuo Okabe,
    ''A Packet-In Message Filtering Mechanism for Protection of Control Plane in OpenFlow Networks'', The 10th ACM/IEEE Symposium on Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems (ANCS2014), pp.29-40, October 2014.
    -Masayuki Tsubouchi, Tomotaka Maeda, Yasuo Okabe,
    ''Digital Fingerprinting on Executable File for Tracking Illegal Uploaders'',
    6th IEEE International Workshop on Computer Forensics in Software Engineering (CFSE2014), (Proc. IEEE COMPSAC2014 Workshops), July 2014.
    **Drafts [#dbe619ba]
    -Y. Tsuzaki, R. Atarashi, S. Suzuki, K. Mitsuya, K. Okada, ''[[Network configuration Web API for Bandwidth Reservation:https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-tsuzaki-netconfig-webapi-00]]'', IETF Internet-Draft, Mar. 2015.
    *2013 [#ta97638d]
    ** Journal Papers [#s47dc8b9]
    -Kazuo Iwama, Shuichi Miyazaki, and Hiroki Yanagisawa,
    ''A 25/17-Approximation Algorithm for the Stable Marriage Problem with One-Sided Ties'',
    [[Algorithmica, Volume 68, Issue 3, pp. 758-775:http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs00453-012-9699-2]], March 2014. 
    -Takao Inoshita, Robert W. Irving, Kazuo Iwama, Shuichi Miyazaki, Takashi Nagase, ''Improving Man-Optimal Stable Matchings by Minimum Change of Preference Lists'', [[MDPI Algorithms, Vol. 6, Issue 2, pp. 371-382:http://www.mdpi.com/1999-4893/6/2/371]], May 2013. 
    ** Conference Papers [#a73c07b8]
    -Jun Kawahara, Koji M. Kobayashi, Shuichi Miyazaki, ''Better Bounds for Online k-Frame Throughput Maximization in Network Switches'', Proc. 24th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation ([[ISAAC 2013:http://www.cs.hku.hk/isaac2013/]]) (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8283), pp. 218-228, Dec., 2013.
    -Yoshiharu Tsuzaki, Ryosuke Matsumoto, Daisuke Kotani, Shuichi Miyazaki, Yasuo Okabe,
    ''A Mail Transfer System Selectively Restricting a Huge Amoount of E-mails'',
    [[Workshop on Resilient Internet based Systems (REIS 2013):http://sitis-conf.org/en/workshop-on-internet-based-systems-resilient-against-disasters-israd-2013.php?Preview=ok]], pp. 896-900, Dec. 2013.
    -Hiroki Okamoto, Ryosuke Matsumoto, Yasuo Okabe,
    ''Design of Cooperative Load Distribution for Addressing Flash Crowds Using P2P File Sharing Network'',
    [[IEEE 37th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC2013):http://compsac.cs.iastate.edu/]], July 2013.
    -Motonori Nakamura, Takeshi Nishimura, Kazutsuna Yamaji, Hiroyuki Sato, Yasuo Okabe,
    ''Privacy Preserved Attribute Aggregation to Avoid Correlation of User Activities Across Shibboleth SPs'',
    The 7th International Workshop on Middleware Architecture in the Internet (MirArch2013) (Proc. IEEE COMPSAC2013 Workshops), July 2013.
    -Hiroyuki Sato, Yasuo Okabe, Motonori Nakamura, Takeshi Nishimura, Kazutsuna Yamaji,
    ''Privacy Enhancing Proxies in Attribute Release:Two Approaches'',
    The 7th International Workshop on Middleware Architecture in the Internet (MirArch2013) (Proc. IEEE COMPSAC2013 Workshops), July 2013.
    -Masaya Yokohata, Tomotaka Maeda, Yasuo Okabe,
    ''Power Allocation Algorithms of PoE for on-Demand Power Supply''
    The 1st IEEE International Workshop on Consumer Devices and Systems (CDS2013),
    (Proc. IEEE COMPSAC2013 Workshops), July 2013.
    -Yasuhiro Teramoto, Rei Atarashi, Yoshifumi Atarashi, Yasuo Okabe,
    ''Managing Networks Independently of the Physical Topology by Service Defined Network'',
    The 1st IEEE International Workshop on Architecture, Design, Deployment and Management of
    Networks and Applications (ADMNET2013),
    (Proc. IEEE COMPSAC2013 Workshops), July 2013.
    *2012 [#off5b6bc]
    **Journal Papers [#e9f80d9c]
    -Iwama, K., Miyazaki, S. and Yanagisawa, H., ''Improved Approximation Bounds for the Student-Project Allocation Problem with Preferences over Projects'', [[Journal of Discrete Algorithms, Vol. 13, pp. 59-66:http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1570866712000202]], May 2012.
    **Conference Papers [#jf42d55e]
    -Masaya Yokohata, Tomotaka Maeda, Yasuo Okabe, 
    ''An Extension of the Link Layer Discovery Protocol for On-Demand Power Supply Network by PoE'',
    [[First International WorkShop on Energy-Aware Systems, Communications and Security (EASyCoSe 2013):http://wpage.unina.it/fpalmier/EAsyCoSe2013/]] (In conjunction with [[IEEE AINA-2013:http://www.aina-conference.org/2013/]]), pp.1612-1616, March 2013.
    -Toyokazu Akiyama, Takeshi Nishimura, Kazutsuna Yamaji, Motonori Nakamura, Yasuo Okabe,
    ''Design and Implementation of a Functional Extension Framework for Authn & Authz Federation Infrastructure Using Web Browser Add-on'',
    [[27th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-2013):http://www.aina-conference.org/2013/]], pp.389-396, March 2013.
    - Daisuke Kotani, Yasuo Okabe,
    ''Packet‒In Message Control for Reducing CPU Load and Control Traffic in OpenFlow Switches'',
    European Workshop on Software Defined Networks, pp.42-47, October, 2012.
    -Wataru Oogami, Takaaki Komura, Yasuo Okabe,
    ''Secure ID Transformation for Robust Pseudonymity against Backflow of Personal Information in SAML Federation'',
    Proc. 2012 IEEE 36th International Conference on Computer Software and Applications Workshops (6th IEEE International Workshop on Middleware Architecture in the Internet
    (MidArch 2012)), pp.64-69, July 2012.
    -Takuya Miyamoto, Youichi Koyama, Kazumi Sakai, Yasuo Okabe,
    ''A GMPLS-based Power Resource Reservation System toward Energy-on-Demand Home Networking'',
    [[The 12th IEEE/IPSJ International Symposium on Applications and the Internet (SAINT2012):http://www.saintconference.org/2012/index.html]], pp.138-147, July 2012.
    -Akihiro Takahashi, Tomotaka Maeda, Yasuo Okabe,
    ''Design and Implementation of a Secure Public Wireless Internet Service Model Using Host Identity Protocol'',
    The 12th IEEE/IPSJ International Symposium on Applications and the Internet (SAINT2012), pp.19-28, July 2012.
    -Ryosuke Matsumoto, Yasuo Okabe,
    ''Access Control Architecture Separating Privilege by a Thread on a Web Server'',
    The 12th IEEE/IPSJ International Symposium on Applications and the Internet (SAINT2012), pp.178-183, July 2012.
    - Daisuke Kotani, Kazuya Suzuki, Hideyuki Shimonishi,
    ''A design and implementation of OpenFlow Controller handling IP multicast with Fast Tree Switching'', The 12th IEEE/IPSJ International Symposium on Applications and the Internet(SAINT2012), pp.60-67, July 2012.
    **Drafts [#s8f1cc42]
    -Y. Teramoto, R. Atarashi, Y. Atarashi, Y. Okabe,
    ''[[Experience of Designing Network Management System:http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-teramoto-experience-network-management-01]]'', IETF Internet-Draft, Feb. 2013.
    *2011 [#h3e9a130]
    **Conference Papers [#m265f5ef]
    -Akihiro Takahashi, Yasuo Okabe,
    [[''Providing Ubiquitous Networks Securely Using Host Identity Protocol'':http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2089043]],
    [[Asia Workshop on Future Internet Technologies (AWFIT2011):http://www.interlab.ait.ac.th/aintec2011/asiafiws.php]]
    (In Conjunction with AINTEC 2011, Bangkok, Thailand),
    Nov. 2011.
    -Hamada, K., Iwama, K. and Miyazaki, S.,
    ''The Hospitals/Residents Problem with Quota Lower Bounds'',
    Proceedings of the 19th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms ([[ESA 2011:http://esa2011.mpi-inf.mpg.de/]])
    (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6942)
    pp. 180-191, Sep., 2011. (Saarbrucken, Germany)
    -Moriteru Ishida, Hiroki Takakura, and Yasuo Okabe, ''High-Performance Intrusion Detection Using OptiGrid Clustering and Grid-Based Labelling'', [[The 11th IEEE/IPSJ International Symposium on Applications and the Internet (SAINT2011):http://snowman.nagaokaut.ac.jp/saint/]], pp. 11-19, July 2011. (Munich, Germany)
    -Satoshi Ishibashi, Shuichi Miyazaki, and Yasuo Okabe, ''Design and Implementation of a Certified Document Delivery System without a Trusted Intermediate Authority'', [[The 11th IEEE/IPSJ International Symposium on Applications and the Internet (SAINT2011):http://snowman.nagaokaut.ac.jp/saint/]], pp. 20-26, July 2011. (Munich, Germany)
    -Tomoki Shibata, Kazumi Sakai, and Yasuo Okabe, ''The Design and Implementation of an On-demand DC Grid in Home'', [[The 11th IEEE/IPSJ International Symposium on Applications and the Internet (SAINT2011):http://snowman.nagaokaut.ac.jp/saint/]], pp. 152-159, July 2011. (Munich, Germany)
    -Iwama, K., Miyazaki, S. and Yanagisawa, H.,
    ''Improved Approximation Bounds for the Student-Project Allocation Problem with Preferences over Projects'', Proceedings of the 8th Annual Conference on Theory and Applications of Models of Computation ([[TAMC 2011:http://www.tamc2011.com/]]),
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6648, pp. 440-451, May 2011. (Tokyo, Japan)
    -Jungsuk Song, Hiroki Takakura, Yasuo Okabe, Masashi Eto, Daisuke Inoue, Koji Nakao,
    ''Statistical Analysis of Honeypot Data and Building of Kyoto2006+ Dataset for NIDS Evaluation'',
    [[BADGERS 2011:http://iseclab.org/badgers2011/]], April 2011.
    *2010 [#h97d955c]
    **Journal Papers [#v3ac8fa9]
    -Iwama, K., Miyazaki, S. and Yanagisawa, H.,
    ''Approximation Algorithms for the Sex-Equal Stable Marriage Problem'',
    [[ACM Transactions on Algorithms:http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=1868237.1868239]],
    Vol. 7, Issue 1, Article No. 2, November 2010.
    -Jungsuk Song, Hiroki Takakura, Yasuo Okabe, Daisuke Inoue, Masashi Eto, Koji Nakao,
    ''A Comparative Study of Unsupervised Anomaly Detection Techniques Using Honeypot Data'',
    [[IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol.E93-D,No.9,pp.2544-2554:http://search.ieice.org/bin/summary.php?id=e93-d_9_2544&category=D&year=2010&lang=E&abst=]],Sep. 2010.
    **Conference Papers [#m3b4c912]
    -Kenji Ohira, Yasuo Okabe,
    ''Host-Centric Site-Exit Router Selection in IPv6 Site Multihoming Environment'',
    [[1st International Workshop on Protocols and Applications with Multi-Homing Support (PAMS 2011):http://www.tdr.wiwi.uni-due.de/en/workshops/pams-2011/]],
    //(In conjunction with the [[25th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA):http://aina2011.i2r.a-star.edu.sg/]])
    Singapore, pp. 696-703, 
    March 22-25, 2011.
    -Shin Maruyama, Masahiro Kozuka, Yasuo Okabe, Motonori Nakamura,
    ''Policy-based IP Address Selection in SCTP Automatic Address Reconfiguration'',
    [[1st International Workshop on Protocols and Applications with Multi-Homing Support (PAMS 2011):http://www.tdr.wiwi.uni-due.de/en/workshops/pams-2011/]],
    //(In conjunction with the [[25th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA):http://aina2011.i2r.a-star.edu.sg/]]),
    Singapore, pp. 704-707, 
    March 22-25, 2011.
    -Kazumi Sakai, Yasuo Okabe,
    ''Quality-aware Energy Routing toward On-demand Home Energy Networking'',
    Proc. [[IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC) 2011:http://www.ieee-ccnc.org/2011/]]
    (Special Session on Ecological Home Network), pp.822-825,
    Jan. 2011.
    -Miyazaki, S. and Okamoto, K.,
    ''Improving the Competitive Ratios of the Seat Reservation Problem'',
    Proceedings of the 6th IFIP TC1/WG2.2, International Conference ([[IFIP/TCS 2010:http://www.wcc2010.com/content/conferences/ifip/theoretical-computer-science-tcs-2010]]),
    pp. 328-339, Sep., 2010. (Brisbane, Australia)
    -Iwama, K., Miyazaki, S. and Yanagisawa, H.,
    ''A 25/17-Approximation Algorithm for the Stable Marriage Problem with One-Sided Ties'',
    Proceedings of the 18th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms ([[ESA 2010:http://algo2010.csc.liv.ac.uk/esa/]]),
    (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6347)
    pp. 135-146, Sep., 2010. (Liverpool, UK)
    *2009 [#a26d12a7]
    **Journal Papers [#jf1437a4]
    -Mitsuo Okada, Yasuo Okabe, Tetsutaro Uehara,
    ''Privacy-Secure Image Sharing System for a Purchaser and Recorded Subjects Using Semi-Blind Fingerprinting'',
    [[Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol.2, Issue 1:http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/18770428]], pp.137-142, Mar. 2010.
    -Asahiro, Y., Miyano, E., Miyazaki, S. and Yoshimuta, T., ''Weighted Nearest Neighbor Algorithms for the Graph Exploration Problem on Cycles'', [[Information Processing Letters:http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6V0F-4XJP41M-1&_user=119230&_coverDate=01%2F01%2F2010&_rdoc=4&_fmt=high&_orig=browse&_srch=doc-info%28%23toc%235645%232010%23998899996%231577324%23FLP%23display%23Volume%29&_cdi=5645&_sort=d&_docanchor=&_ct=10&_acct=C000009380&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=119230&md5=c6394990d64fd4f9adeeeb44e3ff9462]], Vol.110, Issue 3, pp. 93-98, January 2010.
    -Shuichi Miyazaki, Naoyuki Morimoto and Yasuo Okabe, ''The Online Graph Exploration Problem on Restricted Graphs,'' 
    [[IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol.E92-D,No.9,pp.1620-1627:http://search.ieice.org/bin/summary.php?id=e92-d_9_1620&category=D&year=2009&lang=E&abst=]], Sep. 2009.
    -Hamada, K., Iwama, K. and Miyazaki, S., ''An Improved Approximation Lower Bound for Finding Almost Stable Maximum Matchings'', [[Information Processing Letters:http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6V0F-4WKK1R3-1&_user=119230&_coverDate=08%2F31%2F2009&_rdoc=5&_fmt=high&_orig=browse&_srch=doc-info(%23toc%235645%232009%23998909981%231468091%23FLP%23display%23Volume)&_cdi=5645&_sort=d&_docanchor=&_ct=17&_acct=C000009380&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=119230&md5=7bb2fbec15564f3d9bbad8f6115f6549]], Vol.109, Issue 18, pp. 1036-1040, August 2009.
    -Shuichi Miyazaki and Kazuya Okamoto, ''Improving the Competitive Ratio of the Online OVSF Code Assignment Problem'', [[Algorithms:http://www.mdpi.com/1999-4893/2/3/953]] 2009, Vol. 2, Issue 3, pp. 953-972, July 2009.
    -Jungsuk Song, Hiroki Takakura, Yasuo Okabe and Yongjin Kwon, 
    ''Unsupervised Anomaly Detection Based on Clustering and Multiple One-class SVM'',
    [[IEICE Transactions on Communications,Vol.E92-B, No.6, pp.1981-1990:http://search.ieice.org/bin/summary.php?id=e92-b_6_1981&category=B&year=2009&lang=E&abst=]], Jun. 2009.
    **Conference Papers [#ue11cea3]
    -Mitsuo Okada, Yasuo Okabe, Tetsutaro Uehara, ''A Privacy-Secure Content Trading System for Small Content Providers Using Semi-Blind Digital Watermarking,'' The 2009 International Workshop on Forensics for Future Generation Communication environments ([[F2GC>http://www.ftrg.org/f2gc2009/index.htm]]), IEEE,pp.561--568, Jeju Korea,Dec 2009 
    -Mitsuo Okada, Yasuo Okabe, Tetsutaro Uehara, ''Semi-Blind Fingerprinting Utilizing Ordinary Existing Watermarking Techniques,'' The 8th International Workshop on Digital Watermarking ([[IWDW09>http://www.iwdw.org.uk]]), LNCS 5703, pp.14--28, Guildford, UK, Aug 2009.
    -Koji Kobayashi, Shuichi Miyazaki, Yasuo Okabe,
    ''Competitive Buffer Management for Multi-Queue Switches in QoS Networks using Packet Buffering Algorithms'',
    [[21st ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA2009):http://www.cs.jhu.edu/~spaa/2009/]], pp.328-336, Calgary, Canada
    August 11 - 13, 2009.
    -Keita Shimizu, Shuichi Miyazaki, Yasuo Okabe,
    ''Design and Implementation of a Certified Mail Exchange System Using Simultaneous Secret Exchange''
    [[The 2009 International Symposium on Applications and the Internet (SAINT2009):http://infonet.cse.kyutech.ac.jp/conf/saint09/]], pp. 37-42, Seattle, USA, 20 - 24 July 2009.
    -Keiji Maekawa, Yasuo Okabe,
    ''An Enhanced Location Privacy Framework with Mobility Using Host Identity Protocol'',
    [[The 2009 International Symposium on Applications and the Internet (SAINT2009):http://infonet.cse.kyutech.ac.jp/conf/saint09/]], pp. 23-29, Seattle, USA, 20 - 24 July 2009.
    -Mitsuo Okada, Yasuo Okabe, Tetsutaro Uehara,
    ''Security Analysis on Privacy-Secure Image Trading Framework Using Blind Watermarking'',
    The Third Workshop on Middleware
    Architecture in the Internet (MidArc2009)
    (held as a part of
    Seattle, USA, 20 - 24 July 2009.
    -Toshiyuki Kataoka, Takeshi Nishimura, Masaki Shimaoka, Kazutsuna Yamaji,
    Motonori Nakamura, Noboru Sonehara, Yasuo Okabe,
    ''Leveraging PKI in SAML2.0 Federation for Enhanced Discovery Service'',
    The Third Workshop on Middleware
    Architecture in the Internet (MidArc2009)
    (held as a part of
    Seattle, USA, 20 - 24 July 2009.
    *2008 [#ve836c63]
    **Journal Papers [#db030d21]
    -Naoyuki Kamiyama, Yuuki Kiyonari, Eiji Miyano, Shuichi Miyazaki, and Katsuhisa Yamanaka, ''Computational Complexities of University Interview Timetabling,'' 
    IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems, Volume E92-D, No.2,
    pp.130-140, Feb. 2009.
    -Koji Kobayashi, Shuichi Miyazaki, Yasuo Okabe,
    ''A Tight Upper Bound on Online Buffer Management for Multi-Queue Switches with Bicodal Buffers'',
    IEICE Transactions on Information and System, Vol.E91-D, No.12, pp.2757-2769, Dec. 2008.
    -Koji Kobayashi, Shuichi Miyazaki, Yasuo Okabe,
    ''A Tight Upper Bound on Online Buffer Management for Multi-Queue Switches with Bicodal Buffers'',
    IEICE Transactions on Information and Communication System, Vol.E91-D,No.12,pp.-,Dec. 2008.
    -Koji Kobayashi, Shuichi Miyazaki, Yasuo Okabe,
    ''A Tight Bound on Online Buffer Management for Two- port Shared-Memory Switches'',
    IEICE Transactions on Information and Communication System,
    Vol.E91-D,No.8,pp.2105-2114, Aug. 2008.
    -Iwama, K., Miyazaki, S. and Yamauchi, N.,
    ''A (2-c 1 / \sqrt{N})-Approximation Algorithm for the Stable Marriage Problem,''
    [[Algorithmica:http://www.springerlink.com/content/v8u8m8gp5u354564/?p=af32358fd62b4b1fb49ad12e5b9de524&pi=6]], Volume 51, Number 3, pp. 902-914, July 2008.
    -Jungsuk Song, Kenji Ohira, Hiroki Takakura, Yasuo Okabe and Yongjin Kwon, 
    ''A Clustering Method for Improving Performance of Anomaly-based Intrusion Detection System'',
    IEICE Transactions on Information and Communication System Security,
    Vol.E91-D, No.5, pp.1282-1291, May. 2008.(To Appear)
    -Mitsuo Okada, Hiroaki Kikuchi, and Yasuo Okabe, 
    ''Multi-bit Embedding for Asymmetric Digital Watermarking without Exposing Secret'',
    IEICE Transactions on Information and Communication System Security,
    Vol.E91-D, No.5, pp.1348-1358, May. 2008.(To Appear)
    **Conference Papers [#m1d0e950]
    -Jungsuk Song, Hiroki Takakura and Yongjin Kwon,
    ''A Generalized Feature Extraction Scheme to Detect 0-Day Attacks via IDS Alerts'',
    [[The 2008 International Symposium on Applications and the Internet(SAINT2008):http://www.icta.ufl.edu/saint08/]], Turku, FINLAND, 28 July - 1 Aug. 2008.
    -Toshihiro Takagi, Takaaki Komura, Shuichi Miyazaki and Yasuo Okabe,
    ''Privacy Oriented Attribute Exchange in Shibboleth Using Magic Protocols'',
    [[SAINT2008:http://www.icta.ufl.edu/saint08/]] Workshop on Middleware Architecture in the Internet, Turku, FINLAND, 28 July - 1 Aug. 2008.
    -Jungsuk Song, Hiroki Takakura and Yasuo Okabe,
    ''Cooperation of Intelligent Honeypots to Detect Unknown Malicious Codes'',
    WOMBAT Workshop on Information Security Threat Data Exchange (WISTDE 2008), Amsterdam, Netherlands, 21-22 April 2008.
    -Miyazaki, S. and Okamoto, K.,
    ''Improving the Competitive Ratio of the Online OVSF Code Assignment Problem'',
    Proc. 19th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation ([[ISAAC 2008:http://www-or.amp.i.kyoto-u.ac.jp/isaac08/]])
    (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5369),
    pp. 64-76, Dec., 2008. (Gold Coast, Australia)
    *2007 [#vab515cb]
    **Journal Papers [#v603d853]
    -Halldorsson, M. M., Iwama, K., Miyazaki, S. and Yanagisawa, H.,
    ''Improved Approximation Results for the Stable Marriage Problem'',
    [[ACM Transactions on Algorithms:http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1273346&coll=portal&dl=ACM&CFID=34665573&CFTOKEN=97386851]],
    Vol. 3, Issue 3, Article No. 30, August 2007.
    **Conference Papers [#p3c5c38e]
    -Jungsuk Song, Hayato Ohba, Hiroki Takakura, Yasuo Okabe, Kenji Ohira and Yongjin Kwon,
    ''A Comprehensive Approach to Detect Unknown Attacks via Intrusion Detection Alerts'',
    [[The twelfth Asian Computing Science Conference(ASIAN2007) Focusing on Computer and Network Security:http://www.qatar.cmu.edu/asian07/]], LNCS 4846, 
    Doha, Qatar, December 9-11, 2007.
    -Koji Kobayashi and Kazuya Okamoto,
    ''Improved Upper Bounds on the Competitive Ratio for Online Realtime Scheduling'',
    [[15th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA2007):http://www.algo07.cs.tau.ac.il/esa.html]],
    Eilat, Israel, October 8-10, 2007 (to appear).
    -Manami Kikuchi, Takayuki Ito, Hiroki Takakura,
    ''A Visualization Technique for Monitoring of Network Flow Data'', 
    [[The First International Symposium on Information and Computer Elements ISICE 2007:http://www.waseda.jp/assoc-ISICE2007/]], Sept. 12-14, 2007.
    -Iwama, K., Miyazaki, S. and Yanagisawa, H.,
    ''Approximation Algorithms for the Sex-Equal Stable Marriage Problem'',
    Proc. [[10th Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures (WADS 2007):http://projects.cs.dal.ca/wads07/]], (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4619), pp. 201-213, August, 2007. (Halifax, Canada)
    -Iwama, K., Miyazaki, S. and Okamoto, K.,
    ''Stable Roommates Problem with Triple Rooms'', 
    Proc. [[10th KOREA-JAPAN Joint Workshop on Algorithms and Computation (WAAC 2007):http://waac2007.jnu.ac.kr/]], pp. 105-112, August, 2007. (Chonnam National University, Gwangju, Korea) 
    -Koji Kobayashi, Shuichi Miyazaki, Yasuo Okabe,
    ''A Tight Bound on Online Buffer Management for two-port Shared-Memory Switches'',
    [[19th ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA2007):http://www.cs.jhu.edu/~spaa/2007/]], pp. 358-364, June 2007. 
    -Jungsuk Song, Hiroki Takakura, Yasuo Okabe, Yongjin Kwon,
    ''A Robust Feature Normalization Scheme and an Optimized Clustering Method for Anomaly-based Intrusion Detection System'',
    [[Proc. 12th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA2007),(Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4443):http://www.dasfaa07.ait.ac.th/index.htm]], pp. 140-151, April 2007.(Bangkok, Thailand)
    *2006 [#reef321b]
    **Journal Papers [#ve96b58c]
    - Iwama, K., Miyazaki, S. and Okamoto, K., 
    ''A (2-c log N/N)-Approximation Algorithm for the Stable Marriage Problem,'' 
    [[IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems, Volume E89-D No.8:http://search.ieice.org/bin/index.php?category=D&lang=E&vol=E89-D&num=8&abst=]], pp.2380-2387, August 2006.
    **Conference Papers [#c32b3a94]
    - Asahiro, Y., Miyano, E., Miyazaki, S. and Yoshimuta, T., ''Weighted Nearest Neighbor Algorithms for the Graph Exploration Problem on Cycles'', 
    Proc. 33rd Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Informatics ([[SOFSEM 2007:http://www.cs.cas.cz/sofsem/07/]]), (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4362), 
    pp. 164-175, Jan., 2007. (Harrachov, Czech Republic)
    - Iwama, K., Miyazaki, S. and Yamauchi, N., ''A 1.875-Approximation Algorithm for the Stable Marriage Problem'', Proc. 18th ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms ([[SODA 2007:http://www.siam.org/meetings/da07/]]), pp. 288-297, Jan., 2007. (New Orleans, USA)
    - Yutaka Nakano, Motonori Nakamura, Yasuo Okabe, ''Analysis of Topological Properties of the Network Feeding Usenet News'', [[SAINT2007:http://infonet.cse.kyutech.ac.jp/conf/saint07/]], Jan. 2007.
    - Shoichiro Fujiwara, Takaaki Komura, Yasuo Okabe, ''A Privacy Oriented Extension of Attribute Exchange in Shibboleth'', [[SAINT2007 Workshop on Middleware Architecture in the Internet:http://infonet.cse.kyutech.ac.jp/conf/saint07/workshops/Programs/ws-program-3.html]], Jan. 2007.
    - Kiyonari, Y., Miyano, E. and Miyazaki, S.,
    ''Computational Complexity Issues in University Interview Timetabling,''
    Proc. of The 6th International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling ([[PATAT 2006):http://patat06.muni.cz/]],
    pp. 448-453, August 2006. (Brno, Czech Republic)
    - Kato, S., Miyazaki, S., Nishimura, Y. and Okabe, Y.,
    ''Cheat-proof Serverless Network Games,'' 
    5th International Conference on Computers and Games ([[CG 2006):http://www.cs.unimaas.nl/cg2006/]], (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4630), pp. 234-243, May 2006. (Turin, Italy)
    **Drafts [#fa002282]
    - R. Stewart, Q. Xie, M. Tuexen, S. Maruyama, M. Kozuka, ''[[Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) Dynamic Address Reconfiguration>http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-tsvwg-addip-sctp-17.txt]]'' , IETF Internet-Draft, Nov. 2006
    - S. Maruyama, M. Kozuka, ''[[Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) Cumulative ASCONF chunk transmission extension>http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-marushin-sctp-asconfext-01.txt]]'', IETF Internet-Draft, June 2006
    *2005 [#k894ba14]
    **Conference Papers [#aa4434ea]
    -Shin Maruyama, Motonori Nakamura, Yasuo Okabe, Nariyoshi Yamai, Kiyohiko Okayama, Takuya Miyashita, ''Priority Control in Receiving E-mails by Giving a Separate Response to Each DNS Query'', SAINT2006, pp.90-93, Jan. 2006.
    -Iwama, K., Miyazaki, S. and Yamauchi, N.,
    ''A (2-c 1 / ?sqrt{N})-Approximation Algorithm for the Stable Marriage Problem,'' 
    Proc. 16th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation ([[ISAAC 2005:http://www.cs.cityu.edu.hk/~isaac2005/]])
    (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3827), 
    pp. 902-914, Dec., 2005. (Sanya, Hainan, China)
    -K. Ohira, Y. Huang, Y. Okabe, K. Fujikawa, M. Nakamura, ''Security Analysis on Public Wireless Internet Service Models'', [[WMASH2005>http://wmash2005.ece.iastate.edu/]], pp. 107-110, Sept. 2005(poster)
    -H. Murai, Y. Okabe, ''Pipeline Parallelization in HPF programs on the Earth Simulator'', HPF international Workshop: Experiences and Progress 2006 (HiWEP2005), Sept. 2005
    -K. Ohira, Y. Koyama, K. Fujikawa, Y. Okabe, ''Automatic Address Assignment for IPv6 End-to-End Multihoming Sites'', [[ICITA2005>http://attend.it.uts.edu.au/icita05/]], Vol II, pp. 755-758, July 2005(poster)
    *2004 [#k9a11acb]
    **Journal Papers [#mecce1e8]
    -H. Ito, K. Iwama, Y. Okabe, T. Yoshihiro,
    ''Single backup table schemes for shortest-path routing'',
    [[Theoretical Computer Science>http://www.elsevier.com/locate/tcs]], 333, pp. 347-353, 2005
    -A. Ishtiaq, Y. Okabe, M. Kanazawa,
    ''Management of parallel UBR flows over TCP in congested ATM networks'',
    [[Computer Communications>http://www.elsevier.com/locate/comcom]], 27, 801-808,
    -Halldorsson, M., Iwama, K., Miyazaki, S. and Yanagisawa, H., 
    ''Randomized approximation of the stable marriage problem,''
    Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 325, No. 3, pp. 439-465, Oct. 2004.
    **Conference Papers [#q391461b]
    - Nariyoshi Yamai, Kiyohiko Okayama, Takuya Miyashita, Shin Maruyama, Motonori Nakamura,
    ''Protection Method against Massive Error Mails Caused by Sender Spoofed Spam Mails'',
    SAINT2005, Jan. 2005.
    -A. Ishtiaq, Y. Okabe, M. Kanazawa,
    ''Issues of Multihoming Implementation using SCTP'',
    [[IASTED International Conference on Communication Systems and Applications (CSA2004):http://www.iasted.org/conferences/2004/banff/csa-programmain.htm]], 422-162, July 2004.
    - Iwama, K., Miyazaki, S. and Okamoto, K., ''A (2-c log N/N)-Approximation Algorithm for the Stable Marriage Problem,'' Proceedings of the 9th Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory ([[SWAT 2004:http://swat.diku.dk/]]), (LNCS 3111), pp. 349-361, July 2004. (Humlebaek, Denmark)
    *2003 [#xfd8b6eb]
    **Journal Papers [#j67b4c2d]
    -Halldorsson, M., Irving, R., Iwama, K., Manlove, D., Miyazaki, S., Morita, Y. and Scott, S.  ''Approximability Results for Stable Marriage Problems with Ties'', Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 306, pp. 431-447, Sept. 2003.
    -Hiro Ito, Kazuo Iwama, Yasuo Okabe, Takuya Yoshihiro,
    ''Avoiding Routing Loops in the Internet,''
    Theory of Computing Systems, 36, 597-609, 2003.
    **Conference Papers [#p9bb81ab]
    -Hiro Ito, Kazuo Iwama, Yasuo Okabe, Takuya Yoshihiro,
    ''Polynomial-Time Computable Backup Tables for Shortest-Path Routing,''
    The 10th International Colloquium on Structural Information and
    Communication Complexity (SIROCCO 2003), pp.163-177, June 2003.
    -Halldorsson, M., Iwama, K., Miyazaki, S. and Yanagisawa, H. ''Randomized Approximation of the Stable Marriage Problem'', Proceedings of the ninth Annual International Computing and Combinatorics Conference ([[COCOON 2003:http://www.cs.montana.edu/bhz/cocoon03.html]]), (LNCS 2697), pp. 339-350, July 2003. (Big Sky, USA)
    -Komura, T., Fujikawa, K., and Okabe, Y., ''The MIAKO.NET Public Wireless Internet Service in Kyoto,'' Proc. of the First ACM International Workshop on Wireless Mobile Applications and WLAN Hotspots ([[WMASH2003>http://wmash2003.cs.ucla.edu/]]), September 2003. 
    -Halldorsson, M., Iwama, K., Miyazaki, S. and Yanagisawa, H., ''Improved Approximation of the Stable Marriage Problem'', Proceedings of the 11th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA 2003), (LNCS 2832), pp. 266-277, Sep. 2003. (Budapest, Hungary)
    -Komura, T., Kosuga, M., Fujikawa, K., and Okabe, Y., ''Desgin and Implementation of the MIAKO.phone Peer-to-peer Mobile IP Phone System,'' 5th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Information and Telecommunication Technologies ([[APSITT2003>http://www.ieice.org/cs/in/APSITT2003/]]), November 2003.
    **Drafts [#z2fe13f8]
    -Arifumi Matsumoto, Kenji Fujikawa, Yasuo, Okabe, ''Basic Socket API Extension for LIN6 End-to-End Multi-home,'' IETF Internet-Draft, 23 June 2003.
    -Arifumi Matsumoto, Masahiro, Kozuka, Kenji Fujikawa, Yasuo Okabe, ''TCP Multi-Home Options,'' IETF Internet-Draft, 7 Oct 2003.
    -Arifumi Matsumoto, Masahiro, Kozuka, Kenji Fujikawa, Yasuo Okabe, ''TLC-FM,'' IETF Internet-Draft, 7 Oct 2003.
    -K. Ohira, K. Ogata, A. Matsumoto, K. Fujikawa, Y. Okabe, ''IPv6 Address Assingment and Route Selection for End-to-End Multihoming,'' IETF Internet-Draft, November 2003.